Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Quarter of a Century

I just celebrated my 25th Birthday last July 17 and I'm thankful to God that I was able to survive life for a quarter of a century though there were times when I prayed that I was never born into this world. LOL. Oh, when it comes to the lyric video of my song “A Broken Record” that I uploaded on my video sharing website's channel carrying my official pen name “Adeline Chrystyn” I asked for a thousand views as a birthday gift but I was only given roughly a hundred views. LOL. Well, at least it somehow reached ten percent of what I asked for. LOL. Okay, so so much about doing the Math 'coz I'm not really that good in Mathematics. Hmm, the only thing I'm good at in Math is coming up with patterns. LOL. So what else am I gonna talk about? LOL.

Oh, my younger sister's gift for me is a cake from her favorite cakes and pastries shop. Well, in fairness the cake tastes good. I mean, when it comes to my sister and me I think it's my sister who has a good taste in making choices. LOL. Hmm, I received birthday greetings in person, through text message, and social networking sites. Oh, I also went online on my birthday to for the last time promote my lyric video for “A Broken Record” as a birthday gift on a social networking site. Well, since my birthday is over then instead of asking a thousand views as a birthday gift I'm gonna go and still ask for a thousand views but this time around as a Christmas gift. LOL.

Hey, I just realized that I have something in common with two of my favorite celebrities. I mean, my favorite french-fil celebrity was born on a July and I was born on a July and my favorite fil-aussie celebrity was born on a 17th and I was born on a 17th. Well, nothing much. I just felt like sharing that one. LOL. Oh, I just stayed the whole day at home on my birthday. So what else am I gonna talk about? Hey, it seems like I'm a bit improving in writing fresh thoughts these days, huh? Oh, I didn't start writing a diary on my birthday. Hmm, I'm thinking maybe I'll only end up playing with words which is not good so I decided to drop the idea. On second thought I think it will be nice to document my life from now on or something. Well, I don't really know. LOL.

Oh, not to mention that my hair is still messy. It's just that I'm not that rich to have it fixed in a salon. LOL. Hmm, so here I go going off topic all over again, huh? Well, I don't know with me. Hey, I'm supposed to talk about being quarter of a century old in this whole damn world or something. LOL. Oh, there's an annual nationwide songwriting competition here in this country where I live in and a part of me feels like joining the next year's competition. It's just that I guess I better just drop the idea. I mean, I don't have the “It” that they are looking for whatever that “It” is. Well, on second thought why won't I give it a try and see what happens. I mean, joining the songwriting competition can be a stepping stone for me who is aspiring to be a singer songwriter someday. Oh, there were some people in a social networking site who made a comment to the link of “A Broken Record” that I posted. Hmm, they were saying that I do have a talent in writing lyrics and they advised me to collaborate with some musicians to bring my songs to life or what.

Hmm, that sounds like a good idea. It's just that I'm not that rich to collaborate with musicians. I mean, I need to have a budget for their talent fees or something. Well, why won't I just save up some dough and buy myself a guitar or something? Hmm, I don't really know. Oh, not to mention that if I really want to make my song sound at its best then the best thing to do is to record it in a recording studio. Hey, I'm not that rich to rent a recording studio or something. Damn, I'm nothing compared to the professionals out there so why won't I just drop the idea and move on. I mean, if I was really meant to be in the mainstream music industry then it should have happened maybe during my teenage years or something. It's just that I'm 25 now and I'm too old to dream as a singer songwriter in this youth worshiping society we all live in. Yeah, what a sad reality.

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