Sunday, July 14, 2013

Imperfect Me

I came across a quote saying that life's imperfections are what make life perfect. Hmm, is my grammar correct or not? Oh, speaking of grammar it's nothing new that I end up committing mistakes in my grammar from time to time especially in the subject-verb agreement. Hmm, there are also times when I make a mistake in choosing prepositions like for example in my blog entry “Prisoner of the Past”. I mean, in one of the paragraphs in that blog entry I wrote “I read on a book” instead of “I read in a book”. I mean, if I'm not mistaken the correct preposition should be “in” and not “on”. Well, I don't really know 'coz I'm not an expert in English grammar.

Damn, I'm spending too much on internet since I began carrying my pen name “Adeline Chrystyn”. I mean, there are times when I come up with a blog entry and I can't wait to post it on my blog and after I have read what I have posted all over again I end up spotting a lot of grammar mistakes and typographic errors then I couldn't wait to go online again to correct what's wrong in my blog posts so in the end I need to reload my mobile number so I can connect to the internet and do the corrections. Hmm, it seems like I'm spending more while earning nothing as I try to make-believe that I'm working as an amateur writer here online, huh? Well, never mind. LOL.

Well, we all make mistakes in life and the best thing to do is to learn from one's mistakes. Oh, I also heard that the more imperfect an artwork is the more beautiful it becomes. Hmm, again it seems like the lyric video of my song “A Broken Record” won't get a thousand views on the video sharing website where I uploaded it on or before my birthday. Well, I did my best to promote it for the past few days and some netizens did help to promote my lyric video for “A Broken Record”. Hmm, maybe our best wasn't enough to reach a thousand views for now. Sigh.

So what else am I gonna talk about? Well, I'm not really a creative writer so I thought of writing an autobiography. Hmm, I tried to. It's just that since nothing much is going on in my super boring life one can only count the pages of my autobiography with one's fingers. Well, if I can sum up my life I'll most probably go and say that to start with I was born, I became a sickly child in my childhood, I went to school, I graduated a bachelor's degree and took a semester in graduate school, and now I'm part of the unemployed group make-believing that I'm working as an amateur writer online. Yeah, so now you do have an idea of how super boring my life is, huh? Well, I'm not the adventurous type anyway and as I've said I'm a home buddy so it's not much of a big deal or something. LOL. I mean, I'm a loner since time in memorial and that's just me. LOL.

Yeah, it's my birthday month. Well, I don't really have any clear plans for my birthday. Hmm, I'm thinking I'll most probably stay here at home doing the same old same old I do at home. LOL. Oh, I think I have mentioned that my baby is sick. Well, nothing lasts forever so it's quite normal that my baby is now slowly depreciating. Oh, not to mention that my 2 megapixel camera phone is slowly depreciating too. LOL. Hmm, I don't know if I'm materialistic or what. It's just that I prefer to type my thoughts down on my computer instead of telling another human being verbally about it. I don't know with me. Well, I guess this is how God designed me so I better be just okay with it or something. LOL. I mean, as I've said I was somehow able to polish my reading and writing skills but my listening and speaking skills were somehow left behind. Well, as they say one just can't have it all. LOL. Hmm, I'm thinking of having a break from updating my blog in the next few days and I'll only go update it once a week from now on. Oh, that's kind of a challenge especially when something to write about pops out of my damn head and I end up coming up with a new blog post and I just can't wait to post it online. Well, I guess the answer to that problem is no other than discipline. LOL. Hmm, so what else am I gonna talk about? LOL.

Well, I don't know if someone out there did give some of one's time to read all my blog posts so far. Hmm, I think it'll be nice to receive some feedback from people when it comes to my writing style. It's just that up until now I haven't received any feedback from anyone. Well, it's nothing new that I'm always a candidate for misinterpretation. When I realized that at first it kind of sucks but I learned to outgrow that stuff and accepted that it's nothing new that some people who have read my blog posts will take what I wrote the wrong way. Well, maybe it's just part of being an aspiring writer so I guess the best thing for me to do is to live with it and that's an amen. LOL.

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