Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Acapella to Acoustic

I don't know why but a part of me wants to turn my twelve-song-acapella-record-album into a real studio record album with guitars, piano, bass, drums, violin, and my voice on it. I want it to sound a little bit like pop, alternative, punk, and rock. Hmm, is it too much to ask? Well, problem is I don't have a band and I got no plans of having one not to mention that I also don't know how to play any musical instruments. Well, I tried to learn how to play the piano and guitar when I was younger. It's just that I stopped when I realized I got no idea what timing is all about. LOL.

Hmm, I'm thinking of having my own guitar and turn my twelve-song-acapella-record-album into a twelve-song-acoustic-record-album. I mean, I guess it's never too late to start learning how to play the guitar all over again, right? By the way, whenever I listen to the fine-tuned version of “It's a Mess” I can't help be in awe that I was able to come up with such. Sad news is it seems like the magic is gone now and I don't know if those once in a blue moon songwriting sessions will ever drop by again. I guess it's much better for me to be satisfied with “It's a Mess” as of now. I mean, at least I was able to live my dream as a frustrated singer songwriter even just inside the four walls of my room, right? I guess it's more than enough that I could ask for. Hmm, I guess so.

You know what? In fairness to my singing voice I got a funny feeling that it somehow got polished through the years of my constant screaming. LOL. Oh. I mean, singing. I don't know with me. Well, sad news is none of those who have heard me sing ever told me I sound nice to listen to. I mean, it's a reality that those who have heard me sing live and in the flesh found my singing voice too annoying. Well, good news is I was able to accidentally find a way to make my recorded singing voice sound better so I came up with a fine-tuned version of my songs. LOL.

My final twelve-song-acapella-record-album took about a decade in the making. I mean, I'm not really musically talented so that's why it took that long for me to come up with “It's a Mess”. I don't know why I wanted to be a singer songwriter. All I know is I wanted to be one the first time I saw the Princess of Pop singing her first single on an international music channel way back the last years of grade school and the fire to be one ignited even more when I saw the Punk Princess singing her first single on a national music channel's weekly chart show at fourteen years old.

I've been writing songs since the last years of grade school. The golden age of my songwriting years was by mid of high school. I kept those songs I wrote that time in a notebook. I lost that notebook for some time but I was able to find it again by mid of 2012. There are times when I write a song and I end up asking myself in disbelief if am I really the one who wrote it. I tried to read the songs I wrote way back high school only to realize that most of my songs don't make any sense at all and only a few of them made it to be a part of my twelve-song-acapella-record-album.

I have written more or less five dozens of songs for the past more or less thirteen years of my life. It's just that most of the songs I wrote don't make any sense at all so it narrowed down to twenty seven songs worth uploading on a video sharing website. Then the twenty seven songs narrowed down to twelve songs which made it to be a part of the final list of my first twelve-song-acapella-record-album “It's a Mess”. And those twelve songs have a fine-tuned version that you can check out on my unofficial video sharing website's channel that carries my unofficial pen name “Adeline McSunday” 'coz I'd like to be called as “Adeline Chrystyn” from now on. FYI, I wrote half of “It's a Mess” for a span of a decade and the other half on the same year which is 2012.

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